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What a shock!!! I am striving hard to accept the nightmarish reality of Theresa’s death. I got acquainted with Theresa in the late sixties at various social events in Accra, especially at the home of the Botsios. Then, in the mid-seventies her husband Kenneth Scott (Winky), and my husband Sydney, both of blessed memory, envisaged and developed plans to set up a cattle ranch in the Shai hills, bringing the two families close together. Regrettably the ranch project did not come to fruition as a result of the sad death of Winky.


With the marriage of Kenneth and Geta, our relationship took on a whole new deeper meaning as our two children’s partnership and marriage blossomed. I gained in Geta the daughter I did not have and Theresa, gained in Kenneth the son she did not have. Together we rejoiced at the birth, nurture and growth of our wonderful grandchildren over the years. At the same time our friendship deepened through multiple arenas: In Accra Ridge Church; in public service of various kinds, through mutual friendships. Through all the changing scenes of life …


We have both felt the anguish of departed spouses. We have both mourned the tragic death of Kenneth, and we have both found solace and comfort in our abiding faith.


I miss you Mama Tee, I miss your visits on your way home from shopping and our conversations in Fantse, with unusual expressions like ‘Wo ho aye amoadze amoadze” ( You are prone to ailments and illness), and our special way of saying goodnight in Fantse borrowed from your sister, Mrs. Ruth Botsio. I miss you, I really do and will miss you for a long while.


Da Yie. Sleep well in the shelter of the Lord.

©2021 by Family of Therese Striggner Scott

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