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Love and miss you, Auntie Therese

Spencer Arkutu

I spent so many wonderful days at Auntie Theresa’s house during our days in Zimbabwe.   Two to three times a week, my parents would drop us off at her house to spend the afternoon with Ruth, Catherine and the Nkrumahs. 

Auntie Theresa taught us a different type of parenting - her poise and elegance simply meant that there was a certain expectation of behavior - which we all complied with - you were expected to behave well and did not have to be told - I don’t recall us kids ever having to be reprimanded by Aunt Theresa. I also believe my parents were on their best behavior around Aunt Theresa. 

When I became an adult, Auntie Theresa also served as one of those Aunts that you knew you would have to account to for your conduct - whenever I reached a fork in the road, I would always ask myself ‘what would Aunt Theresa expect me to do’ and the answer would be clear. Always remembering the watchful eyes above the spectacles. 

There was a certain love in her eyes and smile that always assured me that everything was going to be ok - I should march forward boldly. 

I love you and miss you, Aunt Therese. 

Spencer Arkutu

Thank you for the love

Sophia, Mary, Cecilia, Herty, Ruth, Cynthia, Belinda (Ward Sisters)

Auntie Grandma Theresa,


Thank you for the gift of love and the good you saw in everyone.


You left us peaceful memories. Your love is still our guide, and though we cannot see you now, you will always be at our side.


Gone yet not forgotten, your spirit lives within us and forever in our hearts!


Rest In Perfect Peace Auntie Theresa!


Sophia, Mary, Cecilia, Hetty, Ruth, Cynthia, Belinda

(Ward Sisters)


Ted Agble and the 1946-49 Year group

Although Yolande had been told of Theresa's passing the day after it happened, she did not tell me until a week ago . She was delaying the grief she knew it would cause me because when I last saw Theresa at Villagio, before we relocated to Kent in England, she seemed quite well. Having said that, this has hit me like a bullet, and I am writing this tribute with a trembling hand; notwithstanding I am slowly recovering.


I first met Theresa in 1946 when I entered Achimota College from Hohoe Ewe Presbyterian School; she was in a group of girls who joined the College from Achimota Primary School. Theresa was of striking beauty. The year 1946 was an important year in the history of Achimota, as is well chronicled in the book by Professor Felix Agbodeka, entitled 'Achimota in the National Setting'. The Training College section was being discontinued and the Secondary School was expanded from two to four streams.


The 1946-1949 year group would emerge as one of the most outstanding; the products attained distinction in academia, medicine, law, engineering and other fields. The year group included several girls, some of whom were Aurore Lokko, Vesta Tettey, Leonie Buckle and Betty Van Lare. Theresa's life is fully covered in the obituary section. After Achimota, she proceeded to England to study law and returned home to Ghana. She served her country well as a lawyer and diplomat, ending her career as Ambassador to France and Italy. Our year group is justifiably very proud of her and her achievements.


When Yolande and I returned to Accra from the diaspora, because of our interest in and love for opera, we started an opera group where we would show good productions from the Met or ROH onto a wall in our garden or indoors if the weather was inclement, and Theresa was one of its early and faithful members. This continued when we relocated abroad and spent around three months annually in Villagio, where Theresa also retired to and lived for a number of years. This was where she lived when we last saw her in Accra. She missed our last and likely farewell opera evening in June because she felt slightly indisposed. Our little group all mourn her sudden passing.


Theresa was the convener of our year group meetings and activities, and after Willie Parker's passing, she became its President and a very active one she was. She arranged visits to homebound classmates and knew how everyone was; she kept in touch. Her passing has left a huge vacuum. She has now gone to meet our other classmates who have passed on, including - Amishadai Adu, William Anoff, Willie Parker, Vesta Tettey, Betty Van Lare, Safo Adu, Sally Turner, Edward Appiah, Adjuah Walter Holtz, George Swaniker, Adumuah Bossman, Gyedu Safo, and most recently, Peter Mensah.


Theresa was extremely generous to Yolande and I whenever we visited Ghana, taking us to Accra's top places to enjoy fine dining. When we moved to Villagio it was great having her as a neighbour. My personal pet name for her was 'Dodotsi' (an Achimota delicacy). Yolande and I, as well as the remaining class mates will miss her dearly.


We her classmates of the 1946-49 year group hereby eulogize her as;


T rustworthy

H onest

E mpathetic

R eliable

E ver ready to assist in any way

S erene personality

E legant


We are in no doubt that you are resting in perfect peace, dear sister.


Fare thee well,

Ted Agble and the 1946-49 Year group

Tribute to Mrs. Therese Striggner-Scott


Sisi Therese was my big cousin. She was already a circuit court judge when I was called to the Ghana Bar. She was smart and very elegant, and I wanted to emulate her so much. She always showed an interest in what I was doing, professionally and personally, and offered counsel when I needed it.


Her love and generosity extended to my three daughters as well. My oldest daughter Mia, spent part of her summer holidays with her, both in Paris and Rome, when she was ambassador to France and to Italy. She was very fond of them all as they were of her.


I shall miss her wise counsel, and I shall miss visiting her whenever I am in Ghana. Christmas will never be the same without receiving one of her iconic Christmas cards. (Those on her Christmas card list will know what I mean).


Her departure has left yet another void in the family. We have lost a true and caring family member and friend. Ghana has lost one of its best citizens, who served her with honor and panache.


Rest well Sisi. Rest in Peace.


Lizzie Mends and Family

I will not say "Adieu" my Auntie T

Winky Scott Arthur


On September 5th 2021, Auntie T took her last breath. When the news came to me, my world stood still. My heart left my body to the point where I could not catch my breath. I wept for hours, but no one heard me. I called out for Auntie T, but she did not answer! I cried out to God until I had no more strength in me to cry. I wallowed in pity, in my own tears. I suddenly felt numb.

Morning came; it became a reality that she was truly no more! Looking at her photos gave me mixed feelings; her smile made me smile, but tears were not far from my eyes. And then, it hit me; I would not see Auntie T for a while.

It is always important to give thanks in all things. I am certain of this, therefore, thankful that:

- She was loved and surrounded by her family and friends.

- She was full of life and laughter.

- She was an epitome of beauty, inside out. Her smile could even make the sun jealous.

- Her sense of humor was refreshing.

- Her elegance and kindness echoed.

- She ran her race with integrity, grace, kindness, humility and love.

- And finally, God was gracious to have been with her until the end.

As a child I remember visiting Auntie T in Rome, Italy (1993 & 1995), and also going on a family holiday to Dubai with Auntie T, Auntie Ruth and the rest of the family in 2008, and our numerous UK trips.

We shared many memories. I am thankful for the grace to have loved her, and been loved by her.

As I got older, Auntie T stayed involved in my life. She was there at my university graduation, was at my wedding and was one of the first people to visit when my son was born. I knew I could always count on her.

Life is indeed a journey, therefore, we experience pain and joy. It is meant to be that way. However, in this journey, no matter our experiences, accomplishments,and expectations, the one thing we will take with us when death comes knocking, is our relationship with our Maker; our Father in Heaven.

Auntie T did not surrender to death, but to life after death. Let's cry no more. Auntie T is not gone, she simply returned to the One who gave her life.

I will not say " Adieu my Auntie T. I'll say, see you."



We were blessed with a very special family member who responded to many names - Mummy, Sister Theresa, Sissie, Grantie, Auntie T, Mama T, Mrs. Scott, and easily the most famous of all - Madame Scott! We are very proud of you, our dear Grantie, and we will forever be proud of you.


Everything about you was exceptional. You were unique in all ways, and to us you were a living legend. The life lessons you imparted to us were of the highest quality; from achieving academic excellence as a girl child in school, to being the first female High Court Judge in Zimbabwe, a great diplomat, and an honorable Ambassador of Ghana. Indeed, you accomplished a lot, and reached the uppermost echelon of your career through hard work, determination, diligence and dedication. You will forever be a shining example for us all to follow .

Remarkable indeed was the love and bond you shared with our dear Grandma Ruth. To hear the words spoken - “Sister Ruth,” and the response,” Sister Theresa”, only meant two things - immense love and respect. We are still waiting to hear any other older sibling refer to their younger sibling as “Sister”!


When you moved to Ghana after working abroad, we all got to experience you and enjoy many wonderful moments in your home. Your immaculate homes in Ghana and in the UK, were permanently well kept, with stunning art, marble and silverware collections. Just like the Smithsonian National Museum in the U.S, your home always stood the test of time, beauty and elegance.


You were a very accomplished and strong lady and inspired our whole generation, and many more to come, with your sense of style, your finesse, great career accomplishments and immense knowledge of current affairs. We admire your contribution to society, and efforts to make this world a better place, by your own actions, and influencing the actions of others to do the right thing, at all times.


A beautiful lady, blessed with impeccable style and elegance. What an Icon! Grantie was a classy and intelligent lady, like Grace Kelly. She had a love for fine and exquisite things. If she liked something, it meant it was beyond reproach; and if she didn’t, you would know immediately.


We will always remember the wonderful holidays we spent, visiting Grantie in France and Italy. Even though she was busy with her high-powered role as an ambassador, she made time to host her grandnieces and grandnephews, and ensured that she shared her rich and unique travel and cultural experiences with us.


It really saddens us that Grantie left us so suddenly, without a goodbye. There was so much to learn and to say. It was a comfort having her here, as she was the last of our beloved Grandma Ruth’s sisters. She was admired by all who had the privilege of meeting her, and will be sorely missed.


When we think of Grantie, we think of lovely mini African carved figurines, solid glass eggs, and tasteful art of all kinds.


When we think of Grantie, we think of discipline; loading your plate with only what you can eat, not a drop more, and not being wasteful, even if there is plenty.


When we think of Grantie, we think of academic excellence, discussing her locus classicus cases at Law School, and laughing at lecturers arguing over whether she was Canadian or Austrian.


When we think of Grantie, we think of Amarteifio v Amarteifio, Acheampong v Acheampong, and all her landmark judgments.


We are sad, we knew it would hurt when Grantie left, but we didn’t expect it to hurt this much. The things we take for granted in life - we thought we had a little more time to connect and build. We miss our conversations with you about art, culture and the world in general; you always challenged us. We will miss you dearly. Please tell our darling Pink Lady, we miss her terribly.


Dear Grantie, you lived, you loved, and you conquered - thank you for setting the bar so high.


Distinguished Lady, beloved Grand Aunt, rest in perfect peace.


Kwame Nkrumah, Nana I.B., Catherine Ewuraba Katsina, Zoe Mama Lally, Maa Ruth, Merene Nanah, Papa Kojo and Terry.

Afrakomah Botsio

I am still in shock upon hearing of your death from Ziko. All I could do was scream, hold onto my tummy and sit.


It would be in Grandma Ruth's bedroom you would be introduced to me as her sister, a grandaunt and a lover of art. We would talk about paintings, cutlery collections, traditional cuisines and other social issues affecting our society.


So it was that when Grandma Ruth went for her last medical care in the UK, you and I waited patiently for her arrival in her home near Mary Mother of Good Counsel Church.


We rushed to the door several times like little girls, upon hearing the gates opening, or the sound of a car. At a point, we decided to relax and wait, and promised each other not to run to the door until it was confirmed by the security man that indeed she had returned safely.


Whilst waiting you teased me that I was missing Ziko, but was using Grandma Ruth as a camouflage.


You were very technologically adept, Grantie; always responding to whatsapp messages almost immediately, and sending same occasionally to check up on us.


It  saddens me to know that you could not respond to my  last message on Saturday 4th September, 2021.


A great tree has fallen!!!


We will miss you dearly Grantie, you were a great conversationalist and a lovely, kind hearted person.


Rest in peace Grantie, until we meet again.

In Loving Memory of a Quintessential Icon...


The world stood still the day you departed this edifice. As I penned this tribute, I reminisced on the words of William Shakespeare in his anecdotal prose, ‘As you like it’. He surmised this: "All the world is a stage and all men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances and one man in his life plays many parts." Such was how I saw the life of Ambassador Therese Striggner Scott.


She played her many roles as a mother, grandmother, wife, aunt, and a responsible member of her extended family. A great friend, mentor, diplomat and UN Peacekeeper. Negotiator, High Court Judge and an accomplished Stateswoman, she executed all these roles with excellence and pride. She most assuredly played all these parts with dignity and elegance, bringing out the best in those whose lives she touched.


I first encountered Ambassador Theresa (aka Aunt Theresa) at age 7, at my Godmother Mrs. Ruth Botsio’s house, and she immediately warmed up to me. That was the beginning of our beautiful and endearing relationship, spanning decades across the globe, until the time of her unexpected demise.


Her warmth and beautiful smile could brighten your day, and she was so loving and caring without a mean bone in her body. Her gentle, quiet and blissful demeanour, coupled with her elegance, exuded calmness and tranquillity. Her mere presence exuded a calming effect and her words of wisdom were reassuring and soothing.


We have indeed lost an icon, an enigma, a class act and an embodiment of sheer elegance and beauty. She was in essence, a woman of great substance.

Aunt Theresa, your passing has left an indelible mark, in the hearts of those who you loved and cared for, as well as those who loved and admired you. Growing up, you were my role model, and I looked up to you in so many ways. As a child, you welcomed me to your home with Uncle Winky, your beloved husband and you always made me feel special.


I am grateful that I was able to express it to you over and over again. I am eternally grateful for crossing paths with you. A symbol of elegance and grand regalia, you certainly left the world a better place than you found it.


Goodnight Aunt Theresa and may your gentle soul rest peacefully with your maker.


Adieu my beloved aunt, a real gem and a kind hearted soul.

Grand T


My Dear Grand T,

On 21st August 2021, I visited you at Villagio, and we had a long talk about life and many other interesting things . I did not know that day would be my last precious moment with you.

On 22nd August 2021, I sent you a message that I had arrived safely in Switzerland, and you replied : "Thanks be to our good Lord for your safe arrival and for the joy brought to Ekow, Stay well and God Blessed".

25th August 2021, was my last message from you: "Adamki, many thanks for the lovely T shirt you kindly brought me, It's lovely and fits perfectly, Look forward to seeing Ekow and you in December, Thanks again, Stay well and stay blessed". You planned to spend some time with Ekow at Villagio during Christmas, now we have two months until Christmas and you are not with us.

Thank you for the many blessings and love. The years will roll on by and time will always pass, but every memory I have of you will definitely always last.


Missing you a lot Grantie.


Much Love (Ruth Aba & Louis Ekow Germann)



Auntie T, you left us too soon. Thank you for all you did and wanted for us.


In the words of Bishop Dick Essandoh: “Two weeks before your passing, together with Geta, Merene and Yasmin, we had dinner at my house, your first visit since I moved in. How could I possibly have known it would be the last time I would see you? How I kick myself that for some strange reason, I didn’t take pictures. I remember telling Merene after that visit, that finally having you all at mine, had transformed my house into a home.”


There is so much to be thankful to Aunty T for, but one thing Bishop Dick will never forget, was her subtle role in his transformation. During one of his trips to visit her in Paris, Mama T asked Dick to escort her to a child naming ceremony of one of her embassy staff. During the ceremony, as he listened to the worship songs, the unuttered seed of Godly devotion, planted by the example and prayers of Auntie Ruth, was stirred in him. Mama T arranged for Dick to have a copy of the worship tape, and the more he listened to the lyrics, the deeper his hunger and quest to seek God. On his return to London, he started attending church, first at St. Jude’s on the Hill in Hampstead Garden Suburbs, and subsequently at Action Church. Auntie T, became among so many roles in Dick’s life, God’s chosen conduit to an unexpected destiny.


Per Edwin Essandoh, “Auntie T was the younger of our mother’s two older and only siblings. She was the middle daughter in a trio that were the “Three Mothers” to me, and my brothers and sisters. As significant as anyone else to my foundation, and to my earliest insight into the larger world beyond my childhood experiences, losing Auntie T, the last-surviving of my mothers, has left me with a void in my heart, and a lingering sense of displacement”.


On a trip to Ghana in early 2020, Edwin had dinner with an Achimota Primary boarding school classmate of his, whom he had not seen in almost 40 years. The classmate mentioned that one of the things he always recalled about Edwin was that he had a “white” mother, which he found remarkable as Edwin is dark-skinned. By “white mother” he was referring to Auntie T! It was no coincidence. Auntie T regularly visited Edwin and his younger brother, Frank, at Achimota School. She would show up with delicious meals and treats and their friends looked forward to those visits almost as much as they did. Edwin told his former classmate that not only was Auntie T his aunt, Mrs. Scott, but she was in fact very Fanti. As it turned out, Edwin’s friend was currently sitting on a Board with Auntie T, but had not recognized her as Edwin’s “white mother” from their days in school! That dinner encounter with Edwin’s former classmate is just another indicator of Aunty T’s outsized role in the lives of her nieces and nephews.


A little over 20 years ago, Edwin was in Ghana to pursue a project with a team from his U.S employer, none of whom had ever been to Africa. Mama T hosted the team for lunch and an afternoon of wonderful conversation. To this day, Edwin’s colleagues ask about Mama T, whenever Edwin meets or speaks with them. They still remember her kindness, warmth, grace and brilliance.


In the words of Frank, “You were always a woman of tremendous beauty within and without, a mother to me and my siblings. You had the perfect blend of aunt and friend, and showed us how important we were to you at all times''. He recollects that during his Achimota primary days, Auntie T enabled his well being beyond measure. He cannot forget the “homemade” she sent on weekend visits, the smell lingering in the dormitory air for hours on end and thanks to her his chop box stayed in “heavy rotation”. He recollected that there would be extreme anticipation and excitement whenever they were visiting Auntie T. Auntie T never forgot birthdays or Christmases, even when her busy and full life found her abroad; she always returned bearing belated gifts.


Catherine Aldred says, “Auntie T, you left a legacy that will be read through the generations, current and to come. You left a mark in our hearts, that nothing will ever erase. With gratitude and praise, I thank you for all you have done for me and my siblings… It is comforting to know that Auntie T is reunited with Uncle Winky, Nanaa, Aunty Ruth and Mummy.”


For Ruth Nyameke, Mama T was more than a mother and touched her life in so many ways. She taught Ruth how to live life to the fullest, and taught her how to face the world with her selfless acts of kindness, intuitive advice, and love for family that can never be forgotten. Mama T was a precious gift from God – beauty, grace, love, and patience are all attributes that she possessed. Ruth adds, “I will forever love and adore you mom, for everything that you taught me in life. Your death took away joy from my life, but I will always hold on to the beautiful memories of times spent with you in those years past”.


Jones adds that: “The wonderful memories I have of you will continue to remain with me forever. One of the highlights of my teen years was when you sent me a pair of Reebok air pump sneakers in boarding school. The numerous letters we used to exchange, of course mine, were mostly requests and petitions, which were for the most part fulfilled and more. You never ceased to encourage, advise, motivate and inspire me to be a better version of myself”.


“ People would usually walk up to me, and ask if I was related to Judge Ambassador Striggner-Scott, (probably because we share the same last name ‘somewhat’). I would proudly answer in the affirmative; “Yes, she is my aunt,” and would go further by adding; “She is my mom’s older sister”, for emphasis.


Winky and Aunty T shared many memories, and he is thankful for the grace to have loved her, and to have been loved by her. Auntie T stayed involved in Winky’s life and was there at his university graduation, at his wedding and was one of the first people to visit when his son was born. Winky knew he could always count on her.


In the words of Winky Scott Arthur, as it is always important to give God thanks in all things, he is therefore, thankful that Aunty T:

Was loved & surrounded by her family and friends

Was full of life and laughter

Was an epitome of beauty, inside and out. Her smile could even make the sun jealous

Had a refreshing sense of humor

Her elegance and kindness echoed

She ran her race with integrity, grace, kindness, humility and love.

And finally, God was gracious to have been with her until the end.


Aunty T, all our lives, we have felt specially loved by you. We regret not telling you how much you meant to us, and the depth of the respect we have for you. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the unconditional love you had for all of us. You are forever cherished and never to be forgotten. You left us too soon.


May God rest your beautiful soul in His peace, until we meet again.

Tribute to Ambassador Therese Striggner Scott


“A thing of beauty—and I hasten to add—a person of beauty—is a joy forever.”

—ENDYMION by John Keats 1818


And so will we remember Auntie T, as I affectionately called her—a great lady of beauty in every aspect of her life. An icon of refinement and great style, she was also very down to earth and empathetic.


Travel kept us physically apart, and more recently, so did Covid -19, but we were constantly in touch. Whenever we met, it was with a deep and mutual sense of camaraderie and sincere affection. Auntie T was full of joie de vivre, and continually inspired me.


It goes without saying that Auntie T was a lady of many parts—an academic of international stature, an astute legal professional, a diplomat extraordinaire, and a loving and gracious mother to Geta and many others.


On the occasions that we did meet in person for a chat, often with a meal outside or at home, from Scott House to Villaggio, it was always a charming haute cuisine affair, with exotic delicacies and inspiring discourse. I never parted from Auntie T without feeling refreshed, invigorated, and a little more knowledgeable.


I had sent Auntie T a WhatsApp message on 5th September and was waiting for her response, a cue for a phone conversation, when I received news of her death. Weeks on and I am still numb with shock.


Auntie T lived a life of excellence, guided by the tenets of the Charge we received as Akoras of Achimota School:


Go forth into the world in peace. Be of good courage. Hold fast that which is good.

Render to no man evil for evil. Strengthen the faint hearted. Support the weak.

Help the afflicted. Honour all men. Show love to everyone.

Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.


A life well lived. A crown of glory awaits you.


Adieu, my friend, and may the earth rest lightly on you till we meet again.

Tribute to Grantie


Grantie or Aunty T as I fondly called her, was a wonderful lady and indeed very proper in every sense of the word.


We got most acquainted during my many visits to Grandma Ruth Botsio. I remember our endless conversations about politics, geography, the heydays of Ghana’s Independence, and her many travels. She was always interested in my career, and had positive words of encouragement each time we met.


Grantie was also very supportive of Zoe and I at family gatherings. I especially fondly remember how happy she was at the naming of each of our children. She would send them lovely Christmas and birthday presents as well. We are grateful that we got to spend the last Christmas with her at the family Christmas lunch at our home; who knew it would be our last with her.


Apart from our personal family relationship, we also worked closely together with Felix Addo at the formation of the Ghana Association of Restructuring and Insolvency Advisors (GARIA). Despite retiring many years ago, she was always active and involved at events, and her contributions were most valued.


Thank you Grantie for being you, and for all your love and care. The Takyi-Appiah family say Damarifa Due. So long until we meet again dearest Grantie.


Love, Andrew

©2021 by Family of Therese Striggner Scott

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